Learning Centre

Bridging the gap between research, evidence, and practice

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Managing Change

Change management as it really happens

An integrated approach to change management with the BASIC 8 framework
The BASIC 8 change management framework brings together the research, theory and practice of change management into a straight forward approach to change management. It is developed out of real change management experience, overcoming the gulf between research and theory on one hand and the dynamics of practice on the other.

Using the framework and the associated analytical and developmental tools, our clients have access to practical and effective options for their change management needs.

As well as training your leaders and change teams, we can use the BASIC 8 resources to conduct a situational analysis to establish a picture of the risks and opportunities facing your change. This enables the selection of key change management focus and tracking areas from our menu of over 150 possible items. This way, your approach to change can scale itself to match the level of complexity and risk that you are dealing with.

Our templates and learning resources can help your people get through change as we develop their capacity and coach and advise you throughout the change.

Grevillea Consultants - Combining the personal value of a life well lived with the corporate value of productivity